Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Expressing Opinion

Dialogue Expressing Opinions


Dialog One

Alice: What did you think of the movie, Peter?
Peter: I think it was boring.
Alice: Really? I loved it. Why did you think it was boring?
Peter: It was too predictable. You knew what would happen in the end.
           The same old thing- boy meets girl, boy fights with girl, boy marries girl.
Peter: Did you like the sound track of the movie?
Alice: No, I hated it. It was too loud and too hard rock for me. What did you
of it?
Peter: I thought it was great, but then, I like hard rock.

Dialog Two
Chiko : Chica, what do you think of pop music recently? I mean, do you like them?
Chica : Well, I’d say I don’t really like them. I’d prefer jazz.
Chiko : Why? I think pop music is very entertaining. 
Chica : In my opinion, jazz music is relaxing

Dialog Three

Syarifah   : Hey Yati ! Do you know the hot news in our school ?
Yati          : Yes, I know. About the minimum score, isn’t it ?
Syarifah   : Yes, exactly. What do you think ?
Yati          : I think it so high. I believe that is bad idea.
Syarifah   : I don’t think so. Precisely with the 80 score, we can’t get that score.
Yati          : Yes, I know it. But, for everyday it so hard.
Syarifah   : Maybe, it can be the pole for us to be better than yesterday. I hope we can do it. Although it so hard.
Yati          : Ok. Amin.

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